1,124 research outputs found

    Strong Coordination with Polar Codes

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    In this paper, we design explicit codes for strong coordination in two-node networks. Specifically, we consider a two-node network in which the action imposed by nature is binary and uniform, and the action to coordinate is obtained via a symmetric discrete memoryless channel. By observing that polar codes are useful for channel resolvability over binary symmetric channels, we prove that nested polar codes achieve a subset of the strong coordination capacity region, and therefore provide a constructive and low complexity solution for strong coordination.Comment: 7 pages doublespaced, presented at the 50th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing 201

    Secret key generation from Gaussian sources using lattice hashing

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    We propose a simple yet complete lattice-based scheme for secret key generation from Gaussian sources in the presence of an eavesdropper, and show that it achieves strong secret key rates up to 1/2 nat from the optimal in the case of "degraded" source models. The novel ingredient of our scheme is a lattice-hashing technique, based on the notions of flatness factor and channel intrinsic randomness. The proposed scheme does not require dithering.Comment: 5 pages, Conference (ISIT 2013

    Strongly Secure Communications Over the Two-Way Wiretap Channel

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    We consider the problem of secure communications over the two-way wiretap channel under a strong secrecy criterion. We improve existing results by developing an achievable region based on strategies that exploit both the interference at the eavesdropper's terminal and cooperation between legitimate users. We leverage the notion of channel resolvability for the multiple-access channel to analyze cooperative jamming and we show that the artificial noise created by cooperative jamming induces a source of common randomness that can be used for secret-key agreement. We illustrate the gain provided by this coding technique in the case of the Gaussian two-way wiretap channel, and we show significant improvements for some channel configurations.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, Special Issue: "Using the Physical Layer for Securing the Next Generation of Communication Systems

    Polar Coding for Secret-Key Generation

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    Practical implementations of secret-key generation are often based on sequential strategies, which handle reliability and secrecy in two successive steps, called reconciliation and privacy amplification. In this paper, we propose an alternative approach based on polar codes that jointly deals with reliability and secrecy. Specifically, we propose secret-key capacity-achieving polar coding schemes for the following models: (i) the degraded binary memoryless source (DBMS) model with rate-unlimited public communication, (ii) the DBMS model with one-way rate-limited public communication, (iii) the 1-to-m broadcast model and (iv) the Markov tree model with uniform marginals. For models (i) and (ii) our coding schemes remain valid for non-degraded sources, although they may not achieve the secret-key capacity. For models (i), (ii) and (iii), our schemes rely on pre-shared secret seed of negligible rate; however, we provide special cases of these models for which no seed is required. Finally, we show an application of our results to secrecy and privacy for biometric systems. We thus provide the first examples of low-complexity secret-key capacity-achieving schemes that are able to handle vector quantization for model (ii), or multiterminal communication for models (iii) and (iv).Comment: 26 pages, 9 figures, accepted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; parts of the results were presented at the 2013 IEEE Information Theory Worksho
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